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Billing & Payments
Metering Options
What is an Estimated and Actual Meter Read?
As a retailer, ENGIE depends on the relevant network distributors for meter readings. Once the meter is read, we use the information we receive to bill our customers.
The meter reader will endeavour to read your meter on the scheduled date. However, in some cases access to your meter cannot be obtained and we are not provided with a meter reading. When this happens, we will estimate your bill. There are strict rules governing how bills may be estimated.
If you feel the meter has not been read accurately, we recommend the following options: Wait until your next account arrives, check if the same problem is occurring and then contact us. Call us directly to request a special meter reading, which will require the meter reader to return to your property to read the meter again. A fee will be charged if you proceed with this option.
What are my options?
A special meter reading can be requested at a charge. Based on this reading, any difference can be reconciled to ensure that you pay for no more than the energy you have actually consumed over the billing period.
Alternatively, you can supply your own meter reading and we will send an adjusted bill. Or you can wait until your next bill where you will see the variance rectified. If your bill was estimated and your usage was less than what you were charged, you will see this variance reconciled on your next bill, ensuring you only pay for the energy you have actually consumed.
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