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Hills of Gold Wind Farm
The proposed Hills of Gold Wind Farm is located about 5km south of Hanging Rock and 8km south-east of Nundle and is contained within three Local Government Areas: Tamworth Regional Council, Upper Hunter Shire Council, and Liverpool Plains Shire Council.
The Project will involve the construction, commissioning and operation of a wind farm with up to 62 wind turbine generators and associated ancillary infrastructure to support a generating capacity of up to 372 megawatts.
Once constructed, and with the backing of ENGIE’s local and global expertise in renewable energy, the Hills of Gold Wind Farm will supply up to 1,000 gigawatt hours per annum, the equivalent energy to power up to 163,000 average Australian homes.
62 wind turbines expected to be installed
211 direct jobs and about 400 indirect jobs during construction
Community benefit program valued at 1.5% capital investment – a total of around $10 million to be invested in the local community over the life of the project
4 Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements
Key highlights of the project
- Up to 62 wind turbines, each with a generating capacity of up to 6MW per unit
- Over 211 direct jobs and about 400 indirect jobs expected during the construction phase.
- About 28 permanent jobs and 50 indirect jobs expected when operational, including 16 local positions, with the opportunity to develop new skills in the region within the growing renewable energy industry
- A contribution of 1.5% Capital Investment Value (CIV) to both Tamworth Regional Council and Upper Hunter Shire Council through a Voluntary Planning Agreement which includes 0.5% contribution towards projects within 20km of the project site (Local Enhancement Fund) and 1% for use within the broader region (Regional Enhancement Fund).
Clean Energy Partners developed the project prior to ENGIE acquiring it in 2020 and Someva Renewables provide ongoing development management support to the project.
Wind turbines
Following extended consultation and a greater understanding of the project site and surrounding areas, the project was revised from an original layout of 97 turbines, to 64, with approval given in September 2024 for 62 turbines wind turbine generators (WTGs) including towers, blades, and generator housing. The turbine towers will be supported by underground concrete foundations. The turbine may include internal transformer and protection equipment or have this equipment co-located in a small housing next to the turbine base.
Access tracks
The construction of the wind farm will require the improvement of some local public roads and bridges leading up to the project site. Each turbine will be linked to project roads using gravel tracks. The turbine location will also include a gravel area to support the cranes used to lift the turbine components.
Electrical cables
Turbines will be linked by an underground 33kV electrical cabling and fibre optic communications cabling.
A substation will collect the internal underground 33kV cables and step up the voltage to 330kV in order to transmit power to the national electricity market. The project will assess a range of connection options to determine the most suitable route.
Meteorological monitoring masts
Multiple lattice frame masts extending to the generator height will be constructed to enable monitoring of wind speed and direction.
Ancillary facilities
A maintenance and storage shed will be constructed together with a site office and car parking facilities.
Project Timeline
October 15, 2018
Lodge Preliminary Environmental Assessment
November 2, 2018
SEARs issued
November 20, 2020
Lodgement of DA and EIS
Dec 2020 – Jan 2021
Public exhibition and collection of submissions
August 2021
Update on Response to Submissions
January 10, 2022
Response to Submissions lodged to DPE
Q4 2023
DPE recommendation
Q1 2024
IPC public meeting, site visits and public submission period
Q2 2024
Second IPC public submission period
September 9, 2024
IPC determination – Project approved

Supplier and employment opportunities
ENGIE has a robust local engagement strategy and is firmly committed to creating jobs for local people and engaging with Indigenous and local suppliers. Whether it’s earthworks, infrastructure, building contractors, machinery operators and engineering, or accommodation, administration, catering, freight and cleaners – a number of skills and suppliers will be required during the construction phase of the project.
The proposed project will be delivered for and on behalf of ENGIE via ‘head contractors’. The head contractors will be responsible for subcontracting a range of skills and suppliers. As part of our key objectives for the project, ENGIE will continue to work closely with its head contractors to ensure the delivery and quality of opportunities for local and First Nations peoples and suppliers.
We encourage local suppliers, businesses and job seekers to register their details if you would like to be included in opportunities to supply goods and services for consideration by our head contractors.