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The Yass Solar Farm is a proposed large-scale development that aims to harness solar energy to store and deliver clean electricity for homes and businesses in NSW. The energy park will include the construction of a solar farm and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and will operate alongside agricultural activities.
Located south-west of Yass, the solar farm will generate, store and provide renewable energy, utilising existing transmission infrastructure in the local area.
Key figures
- Typically, renewable energy projects can take between three and seven years, from initial concept through to construction, with Yass Solar Farm currently developing an initial concept
- To support the transition to more affordable and cleaner energy, Yass Solar Farm aims to have a generating capacity of 100 Megawatts (MW), which is enough to power 51,000 average NSW homes
- To achieve a 139 MW capacity, preliminary estimates indicate the development may include up to 220,000 solar panels.

Community Engagement
Thank you to all those who attended our community information sessions and meetings. It was great to meet so many local residents and gain valuable feedback on the project.
If you missed these sessions and would like to find out more, the team are available to answer questions over the phone on 1800 845 067 or by emailing [email protected]

Community benefits
Nationwide, the transition to a greater mix of low emission renewable energy sources will provide cleaner and more affordable energy for households and businesses.
For the local community, Yass Solar Farm project will provide a range of direct and indirect economic benefits including local employment and contractor opportunities, and increased spending and activity in the local economy.
As the proposal progresses and in consultation with the community, additional opportunities to provide benefits to the local community will be developed.
Planning Timeline and Documents
The project requires planning approval from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), which involves submitting a scoping report and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
A scoping report has been submitted for the project and the DPE has issued its Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs). The SEARs requirements must be addressed as part of the project's EIS.
Early engagement and preliminary studies
Initial stakeholder feedback and local studies, like ecology and cultural heritage surveys, will help our understanding of local values and points of interest to be considered in the concept design for the Yass Solar Farm.
Scoping Report lodgement
A scoping report was lodged in late 2023, detailing the results of the early engagement and preliminary studies. The scoping report informs the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) which will detail requirements for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Continued engagement and specialist studies
Continued community feedback will assist in identifying matters to be considered in environmental, cultural and social studies that will ultimately be factored into the design and operations of the Yass Solar Farm. Feedback will also be used to minimise potential impacts and maximise benefits.
EIS lodgement and exhibition
An EIS will be lodged with DPE and will be on exhibition for formal community and stakeholder feedback. The EIS will detail the proposed design, results of the specialist studies and outcomes of engagements. This stage is anticipated to take place later during 2025.
Response to submissions and planning approval
DPE will consider the formal EIS feedback in making its recommendations for planning approval. We will continue to engage local community members and other stakeholders after the EIS is submitted and, subject to approval, throughout construction and ongoing operations.
Why is the project needed?
Electricity generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, with the National Electricity Market (NEM) dominated by coal-fired power stations. The NEM is one of the largest interconnected electricity systems in the world and connects the electricity grids of the six eastern and southern states and territories to deliver around 80 percent of all electricity consumption in Australia.
The Australian energy landscape is transitioning to a greater mix of low-emission renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. At the same time, consumers are demanding lower power bills and a more secure and reliable service.
To facilitate a strategic transition from coal-fired power generation to renewable energy, NSW Government developed the Electricity Strategy and Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
The State Government’s Roadmap aims to deliver 12 GW of new renewable energy capacity and 2 GW long-duration energy storage by 2030, with the expected retirement of four NSW coal-fired power stations.
The Yass Solar Farm will support the NSW Government to facilitate a transition from coal-fired power generation to renewable energy, increasing the supply of clean energy to the network. The project will generate, store and provide renewable energy, utilising existing transmission infrastructure in the local area.
What infrastructure will be on site?
The proposed infrastructure includes:
- solar arrays
- energy storage system (battery)
- operations and maintenance building(s)
- ancillary and supporting infrastructure such as electrical cabling, internal access roads, and connection substations.
How does solar power work?
Read our article: How does solar power work?
How will you consult the community?
ENGIE is committed to open and transparent engagement with stakeholders and welcomes the opportunity to work with local residents and community members.
Stakeholder and community consultation will occur across all stages of the development proposal.
ENGIE will actively engage with landholders and communities throughout the scoping phase to identify local considerations that will assist in refining a design for the proposed energy park. Initial investigations are underway to understand the environmental and engineering considerations.
Consultation activities and opportunities to engage will occur from early 2023 and ongoing. As part of the NSW planning approval process, formal submissions will be invited via the NSW DPE ‘Have Your Say’ webpage.
Information on the Yass Solar Farm and how to participate in consultation activities will be made available on the website. If you have any questions, please contact us.
What are the economic benefits of the Yass Solar Farm?
The proposed development of Yass Solar Farm will provide a range of direct and indirect economic benefits, including:
- increased local employment and contractor opportunities during construction and operation
- increased spending and activity in the local economy
- creation of a community benefits program for local initiatives
- supporting the transition to cleaner and more affordable energy for NSW households and businesses.
Your feedback
Our community and stakeholders provide valuable feedback that helps shape our work. We appreciate hearing from you on what we are doing well and where we haven’t met the mark, so that we can take ownership and improve.
Our Community & Stakeholder Feedback Framework details our approach to feedback and how we manage complaints.
1. What feedback can I provide?
You can provide feedback about ENGIE operational assets and our asset development projects. If your feedback relates to other ENGIE activities, including our retail and residential energy solutions, please visit our contact us page.
At ENGIE Renewables Development, we define feedback as any communication we receive from you. Types of feedback include:
Comments, which can be either positive or negative but do not require further action. | |
Enquiries, which are neither positive nor negative but require further action. | |
Complaints, which are negative and typically require a response or resolution. |
2. How can I provide feedback?
You can provide feedback by:
- sending an email to [email protected]
- calling our dedicated projects phone line on 1800 845 067 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- talking to us in person
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the National Relay Service to provide your feedback. If English is not your first language, you may use the National Translating and Interpreting Service. We accept feedback from other people on your behalf.
3. How will my feedback be dealt with?
All feedback will be recorded and dealt with according to our five guiding principles:
- Fairness: You will be treated fairly. If your feedback is negative and handled as a complaint, our actions and decisions will be respectful, impartial, and evidence-based.
- Transparency: Information about how to provide feedback is published on our website, with open and honest feedback sought.
- Accountability: We treat all feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement.
- Accessibility: Feedback can be provided verbally over the phone or in person; or in writing by letter, email or online form.
- Responsiveness: If a response is required, we will reply courteously and within our stated timeframes, and we will keep you informed about the progress of a complaint.
4. How will my feedback, including complaints, be managed?
Feedback, including complaints, will be managed through our feedback process.
5. What if I am not happy with the outcome of my complaint?
If you believe your complaint isn’t adequately resolved, you can ask us to escalate the matter to a staff member at a higher level within our organisation, who will work with you to investigate further and find a solution.
If the complaint still isn’t resolved to your satisfaction, we suggest you contact the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner or your local ombudsman.
Phone: 1800 451 524
Phone: 1800 068 908
Phone: 1800 806 314
Phone: 1800 182 150
Phone: 1800 117 000
6. How is my personal information handled?
Personal information that identifies individuals will only be disclosed or used by ENGIE Renewables Development as permitted under the relevant privacy laws, secrecy provisions and any relevant confidentiality obligations.
The ENGIE ANZ Group’s Privacy Policy details our commitment to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

Supplier and employment opportunities
ENGIE has a robust local engagement strategy and is firmly committed to creating jobs for local people and engaging with Indigenous and local suppliers. Whether it’s earthworks, infrastructure, building contractors, machinery operators and engineering, or accommodation, administration, catering, freight and cleaners – a number of skills and suppliers will be required during the construction phase of the project.
The proposed project will be delivered for and on behalf of ENGIE via ‘head contractors’. The head contractors will be responsible for subcontracting a range of skills and suppliers. As part of our key objectives for the project, ENGIE will continue to work closely with its head contractors to ensure the delivery and quality of opportunities for local and First Nations peoples and suppliers.
We encourage local suppliers, businesses and job seekers to register their details if you would like to be included in opportunities to supply goods and services for consideration by our head contractors.