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Life Support
If anyone at your property depends on life support equipment, we’ll work with your distributor (the company responsible for the poles and wires) to help you stay connected.
When you register for Life Support protections, your distributor is required to give you at least four business days’ notice about planned outages. This should help you prepare and can make necessary arrangements during any interruptions.
Life support customers may be eligible for concessions. Visit our concessions and rebates page for more information.
How to register
Download the Life Support registration form for your state below. Please note: your doctor will need to complete part of the form, as you will need to work with them to create an emergency plan.
If you have already registered with your distributor, there’s no need to register with us.
Return your completed form to us: Online: Scan and upload to our online contact form
Post: Mail to ENGIE GPO Box 4408, Melbourne Vic 3001Notification of Installation/Removal of Life Support Equipment
New South Wales
VIC Notification of Installation/Removal of life Support Equipment
South Australians
SA Notification of Installation/Removal of Life Support Equipment
QLD Notification of Installation/Removal of Life Support Equipment
ACT Residences
ACT Notification of Installation/Removal of Life Support Equipment
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